Every time I go to New York I have this insane desire to move there. There is an energy in that city unlike any other. Don't get me wrong, it can be exhausting sometimes, especially with a baby and all the required baby stuff, but I can't get enough of the place. Robert, who considers beensy Fairview, Utah to be his idyllic home, is afraid I'll never be happy unless we someday move to NY. I've come to grips with the fact that it will probably never happen, but I know dreamy Robert would make it happen if I really wanted him to. That's why I love him.
This weekend we visited my dream land one last time before we head home for the summer. We wanted this time around to be a little less touristy...all but the one stop we weren't able to make the last time - the top of the Empire State building. Lucky for us my dearest Elyse let us crash at her place in upper Manhattan again. I have really loved seeing her so frequently this summer. We arrived at her place Friday night and she and Dave had made us dinner. We spent the night chatting and laughing at Minnie and then we went for a walk to Tryon Park across the street from her house. When we got to the playground we saw two skunks lurking around. I about died. As we turned to start walking through the park we saw two more, then another, then three more to the other side. Within a 300 foot radius there were about 15 skunks and we were surrounded. It was my nightmare. I'm not sure how we made it out alive and smelling decent.
The next day Bob, Minnie and I set out to venture to the Empire State Building on our own. First stop: flat tire fill up, naturally.
Then, on to the Empire State Building! Minnie and I had already been earlier this year with Char and Matt, but this was Bob's first time.
When we arrived at the top and stepped out onto the observation deck a gentleman was just kneeling down in front of his girlfriend to propose. It was about the most romantic thing I'd ever seen. She was shaking so hard as he tried to put the ring on her finger. I almost cried, but held my composure and clapped when he stood up. Everyone around us was snapping pictures and congratulating them. It was like a scene from a movie.
This is the view of Manhattan looking downtown, towards the financial district. It's hazy, but you can just barely make out the almost complete new twin towers. Near the bottom left is Madison Square Park, where we had lunch at the Shake Shack.
The telescopes were Min's favorite part.
Naturally, we had to make a stop at H&M. This time it was for baby clothes. Min is such a fashionista.
Waiting for our food at the Shake Shack.

After lunch we met up with Elyse and Dave and did a little shopping near Union Square. Then, it was on to Brooklyn for the rest of the afternoon.

Elyse and Dave were accidental twins.
This is a view from Brooklyn towards Manhattan.
We spent our afternoon in Brooklyn walking through neighborhoods, checking out an art and flea market and playing at the park. We then caught a water taxi across the East River back to Manhattan.
We at dinner at a Mexican restaurant on Third Avenue, where Minnie quickly let us know she was quite tired. We all were. It was such a muggy day and we had all been sweating bullets. As the sun set it got a little cooler, so we walked up Third Avenue toward Grand Central Station. During our walk we were almost run over by a very skinny older man wearing a blue bikini and a Statue of Liberty crown who barked at us as he passed. It was quite thrilling.
And now, here are a few videos of random moments during our day for your viewing pleasure. Beware, they are shaky.
On Sunday Bob and I went to the Spanish branch again for sacrament meeting and then we went to lunch with Elyse near her apartment and just relaxed for a little while. It was such a fun weekend. My heart was a little sad as we drove across the George Washington bridge, realizing I'd likely not be back to NY for a few years. That is...unless I can convince Bob to get a job there (wink, wink).
Thanks so much for taking the time to visit Shake Shack on your trip.
ReplyDeleteHope you had an awesome vacation, and our team can't wait to see you again next time you're in the city! (Hopefully soon?)
-Brandy, Shake Shack
Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. Can't believe you've been there so many times this year!!! I missed your call today. I'll try you tomorrow.